Thursday, November 7, 2013

Words I Would Whisper to My Teenage Self

I wish I knew then what I know now. That who I am in Christ is all that matters. That other’s opinions of me don’t count.

I wish I could go back and tell the teenage me – that girl whose heart was hurting because her boyfriend dumped her out of the blue for a girl at camp, that girl who tried too hard to make sure everyone liked her, that girl who wondered sometimes whether God was even there – I wish I could whisper some things in her ear.

I’d speak words of truth into her heart about who she is in Christ, and this is what I’d say:

Girl, you are loved by the Almighty. You are a daughter of the King of Kings! You are precious, chosen and redeemed. Don’t let anyone belittle you or put you down! You might do some stupid stuff, and maybe friends will turn their backs on you, but it won’t be the end of the world. Remember this: You are amazing, you are beautiful, and the God of the Universe sings over you. Long before He created the world, He had you on his mind. You are worth more than gold. Jesus gave His very life for you! And He has good things planned for your life. You’ll see. Don’t worry. Don’t be afraid. Don’t believe the Enemy. You are good enough, because of Jesus.

I can’t go back and whisper to my teenage self. But I can whisper these words to my own two teenage girls and pray that they will truly believe them, that they will fully grasp “how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.” (Ephesians 3:18)  I can pray that they will “know him better… and that the eyes their hearts will be enlightened in order that they may know the hope to which he has called them, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.” (Ephesians 1:17-19)

And you know what? While I’m at it, I just might whisper these things to myself, too, because a reminder would do my heart some good.

What would you whisper to your teenage self if you could?
So happy to be linking up my #WhoIAm post with the Proverbs 31 Blog Hop today! I'm learning so much through the current study, based on Renee Swope's book, A Confident Heart.


  1. Now that is a great investment of your time friend!

  2. I can so relate to this. I have teenage girls 14 and 16. My 14 year old is so worried about what other's think and tries so hard to impress others so that they will like her. I just finished writing her a letter similar to what you wrote above. My prayer is your prayer - that my girls will truly believe who they are in Christ! Stephanie Solberg OBS Small Group Leader

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Stephanie! My girls are 15 and 17. So glad to hear you're speaking truth to your daughters' hearts, too! It is SO important!

  3. I pray your daughters believe in your words as well. Blessed by your post and yea, if we only knew then what we know now. But now we can go before others and glorify our Father in what we do know. If just one listens we're doing good!! Thanks for sharing!!

    :) Trish (OBS small group leader)

    1. Thank you, Trish! So grateful for your encouragement and for OBS! :-)

  4. I can not tell you how beautiful this blog post is! I think a lot of us would like to have been able to "whisper to our teenage self" to remind ourselves #WhoIAm.
    Barbara (OBS Small Group Leader/Prayer Warrior Team)

    1. Barbara, thanks so much for your kind words. Blessings to you today!

  5. LOVE this!!! Whispering it to myself right now... maybe might even shout it out =)
    Lauren, P31 OBS blog hop team

    1. Amen, sister! These words are for us "non-teenagers," too! ;-) Thanks for stopping by, Lauren!
