Monday, May 23, 2011

Flip Flop Gratitude

At first, it annoyed me. Three pairs of flip flops strewn across my entryway. A plastic baseball bat peeking out from under the hall table. A baseball mitt carelessly tossed onto the third step.

It was late, and I was tired. I wanted to yell. But as I started picking up the remainders of a beautiful, breezy day, it was as if God whispered in my ear, “Be thankful.”

“But God,” I started to say, “they’re old enough to know better. They need to pick up after themselves.”

“Be thankful,” the still small voice said again.

Someday, when they’re grown and gone, I’ll wish for flip flops to litter the hallway rug. I’ll give anything to hear the laughter of my children playing a game of baseball in the front yard with their friends... and see the plastic bat peeking out from under the hall table.

So for now, I choose to be thankful. I choose to remember that even though my children are “old enough to know better,” sometimes they forget. Just like I do. And if God can be patient with me and all my faults, then I can pick up a pair of flip flops every now and then.

And be thankful.


  1. Beautiful. I am a Nana and my granddaughters sometimes do the same thing. When their Mom was young I was not as patient, so glad you are learning this now. I just look at their little flipflops and smile that they have them to leave at my house.

  2. Thanks, Ann! I have a long way to go in the area of patience! Your perspective as a grandma is inspiring... blessings to you!

  3. I am so glad for your realization. I too have been there, on the border of frustration because they still have "stuff" out. Then, I am humbled because I KNOW the days are quickly approaching where I'd give anything to see their things lying around
